Review: Fueled (Driven #2) by K. Bromberg

TITLE: Fueled
SERIES: Driven #2 AUTHOR: K. Bromberg GENRE: Contemporary Romance RELEASE DATE: September 5th, 2013

What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you’ll fight the hardest to keep? Colton stole my heart. He wasn't supposed to, and I sure as hell didn't want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist. Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don't think I'll ever be the same. She's seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she's still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner. How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep? He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won't let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far. How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there's someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I'd never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I'll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can't be what she needs, so why can't I just let her go? We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?

I loved Driven so much. I didn’t think anything could be better than it for this second novel in the series, but I was wrong. From the heart wrenching prologue, I was completely hooked. Finally having a little of Colton’s thoughts was sublime. Couldn’t help but feel his despair, doubts and fear concerning his foreign feelings for Rylee and seeing flashes of his dark past that’s torturing him.
"I can't give you what you need because I don't know how to live - to feel - to breathe - if I'm not broken. And being with you? You deserve someone that's whole. I just can't..."
This story isn't a walk in the park. It is full of back and forth between this amazing couple with a sizzling chemistry. As ever, the sexy scenes were so hot and soon followed by big downs between them. In Fueled their developing feelings and trust in each other is constantly tested. Colton is still submerged by his demons and the emotions Rylee elicits in him bring a lot of tension.
Colton opens up a little more about his past, but still has his heart locked up hard. He’s such an amazing hero! I found myself chocked up more than once by the intensity of the emotions these two brought in this story. Rylee and Colton are two strong headed people and sometimes act before thinking, hurting each other in the process.
"I matter, Colton. I deserve the same more than you do.
What we have is not inconsequential!"
K. Bromberg completely succeeded to create a deeply emotional novel! The added POV of Colton was what upped the intensity of the story in my opinion. It is a fact that I love my hero a little if not a lot broken, trying to free themselves from their past. Through a spiral of conflicting feelings, this story sees his highs and lows between this couple, but one thing is sure, their connection is incomparable. I love seeing them fight with each other and for each other.

Book #1
Driven --> REVIEW
Book #3
Crashed --> REVIEW
Book #4
Raced --> REVIEW
Book #5
Aced --> REVIEW