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About Me
Hi! I'm Joannie!
I'm a real book maniac as my blog name says. I need to read every single day and have been an avid reader since my childhood. I live in a small town in Québec, Canada and my first language is French, but I prefer reading my book in the original version which is mostly English.
Reading being a passion of mine, I finally decided to start my own blog to share this passion with other adepts. I mostly read romance (New Adult, Contemporary, Suspense, Dark, Erotica) novels, always searching for feels and HEA. I like to share my thoughts with reviews of my last reads and participate in promoting new books.
In my spare time I also like creating teasers and collages of my favorite books! So you can see some of them in my review posts and on my Instagram account.
Welcome on my blog!
Joannie 💋

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