Audiobook Review | Pucked Up (Pucked #2) by Helena Hunting --> 3.5 Stars

TITLE: Pucked Up
SERIES: Pucked #2
AUTHOR: Helena Hunting
GENRE: Romantic Comedy
RELEASE DATE: October 25th, 2015

Miller “Buck” Butterson has been banging his way through life ever since a puck to the face fixed his messed up front teeth, and he was drafted into the NHL during his first year of college. After five years of deflecting goals on the ice and scoring them with puck bunnies across the Continental US and parts of Canada, Miller is ready for a girlfriend. A real girlfriend of the non-bunny variety. One he takes on dates and doesn’t jump into bed with after five seconds of conversation. Miller thinks he’s found that woman in his teammate’s sister. Except, unlike Alex Waters, center, team captain and all round nice guy—who happens to be dating his step-sister—Miller’s manwhore reputation is well earned, and not blown out of proportion by the media. Beyond that minor detail, Miller doesn’t know the first thing about having a girlfriend. But he’s determined to make it happen. What he doesn’t take into account is the amount of time and effort relationships require, or that constantly letting bunnies take selfies with him to post all over social media isn’t going to win him any points in the boyfriend department. Miller learns—not so quickly—that if he wants to make Sunshine “Sunny” Waters fall for him, he going to have to do a whole lot more than show her his stick skills in the bedroom.

⭐️ 3.5 "More Than a Yeti" Stars ⭐️
As much as I loved Pucked, I didn’t quite enjoyed Pucked Up as much. I felt the storyline was somewhat boring and didn’t got me invested!
That being said, I enjoyed discovering the real Miller behind the “yeti”! He’s been presented as rather dumb and a manwhore throughout the first novel, but I discovered in this one that he’s more than meets the eye. His attraction and feelings for Sunny, Alex’s little sister are really sincere. While he played the field a lot, there’s just something about her that really changed him and he wants to try a relationship. He’s a thoughtful guy with his heart on his sleeves and he shows it plenty of time.
The book is told exclusively from Miller’s point of view, but I would have liked to get Sunny’s too! It would have make this story more interesting in my opinion to know more about her. As the previous novel, this couple have also an intense chemistry and can get steamy hot leading them into a couple of crazy comic situations.
For me, the highlight of this book was Violet. Even if she’s a supporting character this time, I couldn’t help but laugh at her hilarious comebacks. Seriously, that girl is a riot with her no-filter comments! Miller’s relationship with Violet is also sweet! I appreciated seeing their understanding, behind all the jokes and mockeries.
Pucked Up was still a good complement to the Pucked Series and now I can’t wait for Randy and Lily’s story.

Book #1
Book #3
Pucked Over
Book #4
Forever Pucked
Book #4.5
Pucked Under
Book #5
Pucked Off
Book #5.5
Get Inked