Release Blitz + Review | Tell Me When It's Over by B. Celeste --> 4 Stars

AUTHOR: B. Celeste
GENRE: Rockstar Romance
RELEASE DATE: November 5th, 2020

I was twelve years old when I met one of the world’s hottest celebrities.
Thirteen when I was welcomed into his family.
Fourteen when I realized what his unconditional love felt like.
Fifteen when he helped me figure out what hope was.
And sixteen when my mother’s biggest lie changed our lives forever.
I swore I would never be like the woman whose chronic lies impacted everybody around her, but then I’d be a hypocrite.
Because three years after the truth came out, and I reunited with the boy whose innocent love had been taken from me, I realized I was living the biggest lie of all.
The one where I pretended I wasn’t in love with Kyler Bishop.

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⭐️ 4 Stars ⭐️
Tell Me When It’s Over had me intrigued since I first read the blurb and it didn’t disappoint me. Yes, it started a little too slow in my opinion, making it a difficult to connect to the story, but it’s somewhat explainable with the fact the book is very long.
Overall, I loved the characters and their relationships. Leighton and Kyler had such a deep and instant connection that grew and transformed through the years. Their feeling becoming romantic was a slow progress, but the only option for these two. I enjoyed how everything felt effortless between them, from friends to lovers.
B. Celeste created a consuming slow burn romance with all the elements to make your read delightful! I don't want to give you more on the plot of this novel, because it's best to enter blind and just experience it!
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

B. Celeste is the alter ego of Barbara C. Doyle. Her obsession with forbidden romance enabled her to pave a path into a new world of love, sex, sin, and angst. Her debut novel is The Truth about Heartbreak.