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Excerpt Reveal | A Vow of Hate by Lylah James

TITLE: A Vow of Hate

AUTHOR: Lylah James

GENRE: Mafia Romance RELEASE DATE: November 3rd, 2020

i dare you cover

Our story began like any other fairytales ended.

With a beautiful wedding.

One kiss.

Two rings.

Three vows.


I gritted my teeth. "You'd take me against my will?"

Killian's eyes darkened and his cruel face broke into a mocking smile. "I'm your husband. Your body is my right, Julianna."

He took a step forward and I skidded back, out of his reach. He advanced toward me, like the predator he was. He was the master of the hunt. And I was apparently his prize.

I may be his trophy wife but I was not a martyr. I had been through worst and handling Killian's hatred should be no trouble.

Or I thought so.

When he was close enough, his arm snaked out and he grasped my elbow. Killian gave a hard tug and I stumbled into his chest. His head lowered and his breath feathered across my cheek over the black veil. "It's my duty, isn't it? To consummate this marriage? To make you a wife, make a mother out of you? My duty is to breed you and your job is to give me an heir, Julianna Spencer."

Killian spat out my full name like he was disgusted that his last name was attached to me.

Lylah James lives somewhere in Canada. She is usually pretty busy but she uses all her spare time to write. If she is not studying, sleeping, writing or working – she can be found with her nose buried in a good romance book, preferably with a hot alpha male.

Writing is her passion. The voices in her head won’t stop and she believes they deserve to be heard and read. Lylah James writes about drool worthy and total alpha males, with strong and sweet heroines. She makes her readers cry – sob their eyes out, swoon, curse, rage and fall in love. Mostly known as the Queen of cliffhanger and the #evilauthorwithablacksoul, she likes to break her readers’ hearts and then mend them again.


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