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Release Blitz + Review | Forbidden Fate (Crowne Point #3) by Mary Catherine Gebhard --> 5+ Stars!

TITLE: Forbidden Fate

SERIES: Crowne Point #3

AUTHOR: Mary Catherine Gebhard

GENRE: Contemporary Romance

RELEASE DATE: May 28th, 2020

I only had one rule: don’t fall in love with the cruel prince.

I broke it.

When the clock struck twelve, I went back to being a servant. He promised to let me go with my heart in pieces...but Grayson Crowne was always king at breaking promises.

I refuse to let him lock me in a tower.

I have no choice but to take the only out offered to me--another cruel prince.

Refuge in a man I loathe.

Rescued from the man I love.

I wanted to forget Grayson, forget Crowne Hall, and hide, but fate has other plans.

But if Grayson and I are fated, then our fate is forbidden.

Our happily ever after will only end one heartbreak.

⭐️ 5+ "Impossible Love" Stars ⭐️

If I thought Stolen Soulmate was cruel on my little heart, I had experienced nothing yet! In Forbidden Fate, Grayson and Story played with my feelings like never before! I'm speechless! The level of feels this story gave me was overwhelming! All the ups and downs between this doomed couple made me hurt so bad! Their impossible love story was more than ever captivating, yet soul crushing! I must be a masochist though, because I adored this book that is a top favorite read for me in 2020! After the way the previous novel ended, I was team Story. Throughout my read though, I was losing my heart again to Gray. Yes, he makes controversial choices and acts maliciously with Story at times, but through the chapters in his point of view, it is easy to feel the love he has for her. Every despicable action is destroying him but it’s the only way to protect his girl. He’s sacrificing a lot to save her from a more vicious fate. I’ll admit that at times I felt he was too indulgent with Lottie’s conniving behavior toward Story, but at the same time, she’s also a pawn between the Crowne and du Lac families! This doesn’t mean that I’m a fan of Lottie though, because she realizes that Gray isn’t sharing the same feelings for her, but tries to steal him away anyway! As much as I loved Story in the first novel, in this one she makes a lot of mistakes. She hurts Gray as much as he did, if not more. She’s really in a surviving mode and would do anything to protect herself from more ache. Even associate herself with the man who broke her trust years earlier, Weston du Lac. In spite of all her debatable decisions, she still have hope and can’t hate Gray completely! Within all this hurricane of conflicting emotions, Gray and Story’s magnetic connection is still so palpable. As much as they want to keep away from each other to preserve their hearts, they can’t resist their singular pull. The intensity of their feelings between love and hate is just so powerful! Some bombs are dropped here and there to make this read a crazy journey of WTF! With another shocking ending, I was left shattered. I need answers and a happily every after soon! Mary Catherine Gebhard used her gorgeous prose to ensnare me in this epic tale of illicit love! Forbidden Fate is a must read romance packed with all the feels!

** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **


Book #1

Heartless Hero

HH cover

Book #2

Stolen Soulmate

SS cover

I started writing the moment I could read. My first characters were Wibbley and Squig and I used MS Word and clipart to bring them to life when I was a kid in elementary school. I started seriously thinking about being a writer in High School and I remember the day exactly, because it was such an epiphany. I was always so uncertain. You know how everyone was always asking what you wanted to be when you were older? Well I NEVER could decide.

I wanted to be a marine biologist.

An actor.

A FIRE FIGHTER (thank you Joaquin Phoenix in Ladder 49 for that phase).

One day it hit me—A WRITER. I could do it ALL. Then you couldn’t stop me from writing. I penned my first novel at fifteen (but don’t ask me to show it to you, because it’s like I was in competition to beat the thesaurus). When I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, writing became even more important, because it became my therapy. When I wrote my characters, suddenly I wasn’t so alone.

These days you can find me daydreaming about where to travel with my husband, singing in my car, or lost in the newest K drama. And planning my next novel, of course.

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