Pre-Order Blitz + Review + Giveaway | Ten Hours by Melissa Toppen --> 5 Stars

TITLE: Ten Hours AUTHOR: Melissa Toppen GENRE: Contemporary Romance RELEASE DATE: May 17th, 2019

Ten hours…
That’s how much time we spent together.
How much time I got with the man whose bright eyes and sultry smile almost made me forget that I was sick.
Six hundred minutes…
That’s how long it took me to fall in love.
Thirty-six thousand seconds...
And then it was over. And all I wanted was more.
More seconds.
More minutes.
More hours.
More him.
Ten hours…
Such a small, insignificant amount of time.
Yet those ten hours changed everything.

FREE in Kindle Unlimited

⭐️ 5 "Life-Changing Hours" Stars ⭐️
Ten Hours is an ugly cry read that affected me so much! This book needs to be felt and can’t really be explained. Yes, the romance is absolutely gorgeous, but the primary subject of this story is tragic and brings an overall poignant atmosphere. You’ll need a box of tissue to get over this brilliant, highly emotional novel!
"You are my perfect song. I'll play you over and over again until my fingers bleed. Because you are the only thing in this world that I truly need. You are my world, my light, my life. You are my dream come true."
Finley and Abel meets on a night where the young woman received bad news and is still in shock. They bond right away and their relationship is truly a beauty to see. The conversations are filled with humor, flirty repartees and are truly effortless! It’s like they’ve know each other their whole life. They share ten life-changing hours together that leaves a mark on each other’s heart!
I was a crying mess over the heartbreak of this story! It’s been a very long time since I had a reaction this intense over a book. I felt all the agony and got all chocked up on my tears, my throat so raw. And my heart… my little heart was left fragmented. But through all this utter anguish, the pure devotion between Finley and Abel was exquisite! The love shining in the pages of this story is mesmerizing!
"Live your life fully, fearlessly and without limit."
I won’t go into more details, because I don’t want to give you spoilers, but grab this story and you won’t regret this stirring journey of love, devotion, hope and loss! Melissa Toppen is an author I love so much! Her romances are always swoon-worthy and packed with feels, but Ten Hours is genuinely her best work to date!
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

Melissa Toppen is a Reader's Choice Award Winning and Bestselling Author of New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read.
Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.