Release Blitz + Review + Giveaway | Anguished (Crimson Elite #2) by T.L. Smith --> 4 Stars

TITLE: Anguished
SERIES: Crimson Elite #2 AUTHOR: T.L. Smith GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: February 19th, 2019

It wasn’t meant to be this way—she shouldn’t have fallen for my brother and left me for him. But she did. And now I’m left to pick up the pieces of my shattered, broken heart. And to top it off, they want me to come to their wedding. Do they think I’m a pushover? Do they think of me as a joke?
The old saying stands true, ‘why have enemies when you can have family.’
I understand it now, better than I ever have in my life.
There’s one unexpected surprise though, Storm. She blew in just like one and makes the pain diminish. She’s exactly as her name describes her—she is a storm. A beautiful and powerful one.
But not all things are meant to last. Like a storm that wreaks havoc, some things cause anguish, and in my life she may very well be one of them.

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⭐️ 4 "Perfect Ten" Stars ⭐️
After all the praise I had for Cavalier, the first novel in the Crimson Elite Series, I was expecting something equally riveting from T.L. Smith. I feel kind of bad to admit that Anguished disappointed me a little. As a romance reader, I expect a certain chemistry between the main couple and when I don’t feel this connection, it really lessens my enjoyment of a book. Echo’s story didn’t completely won me over for that reason, but I still had a good time reading it.
"He's my perfect ten."
Echo and Storm are interesting individuals and the drama in their lives kept me entertained all read long though. Even if I wanted more sparks between them, I still enjoyed the growing of their relationship and the way they were together. Storm is an interesting heroine that is in command and knows what she wants. She’s so supportive of Echo and get invested in what he goes through personally. I enjoyed her thoughtfulness and caring side as much as her fierceness. Echo is still the cocky guy we met in Cavalier, but with a deeper facet that is quite touching. He’s still hurting form his breakup with his ex-girlfriend, but also the treatment of his family. I really felt for him!
I enjoyed the guys of Crimson Elite acting once again together as brothers more than friends. They’re really a loyal group, all so different but always there to help.
"The problem is that I'm not worried about those marks anymore, it's the one on my heart that troubles me the most. He's leaving an impression. And he's a ten... This was doomed from the beginning."
I appreciated this read, but wasn't completely satisfied with it!Creed is still my man, but I’m really excited for Falcon’s story and hope it reaches my expectations! Since book one he intrigued me so much! Hopefully, T.L. Smith will come back with another winner read for me with the next novel.
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

Book #1

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