Audiobook Review | Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas --> 5+ Stars! TOP FAVORITE!

TITLE: Punk 57
AUTHOR: Penelope Douglas
GENRE: New Adult Romance
RELEASE DATE: October 21st, 2016

“We were perfect together. Until we met.” Misha I can’t help but smile at the words in her letter. She misses me. In fifth grade, my teacher set us up with pen pals from a different school. Thinking I was a girl, with a name like Misha, the other teacher paired me up with her student, Ryen. My teacher, believing Ryen was a boy like me, agreed. It didn’t take long for us to figure out the mistake. And in no time at all, we were arguing about everything. The best take-out pizza. Android vs. iPhone. Whether or not Eminem is the greatest rapper ever… And that was the start. For the next seven years, it was us. Her letters are always on black paper with silver writing. Sometimes there’s one a week or three in a day, but I need them. She’s the only one who keeps me on track, talks me down, and accepts everything I am. We only had three rules. No social media, no phone numbers, no pictures. We had a good thing going. Why ruin it? Until I run across a photo of a girl online. Name’s Ryen, loves Gallo’s pizza, and worships her iPhone. What are the chances? F*ck it. I need to meet her. I just don’t expect to hate what I find. Ryen He hasn’t written in three months. Something’s wrong. Did he die? Get arrested? Knowing Misha, neither would be a stretch. Without him around, I’m going crazy. I need to know someone is listening. It’s my own fault. I should’ve gotten his number or picture or something. He could be gone forever. Or right under my nose, and I wouldn’t even know it.

⭐️ 5+ "Alone. Empty. Fraud. Shame. Fear" Stars ⭐️
Wow! There’s so many thoughts swirling in my head after finishing this sensational read. Punk 57 was on my TBR for so long and I had kind of forgotten about it! I want to kick myself for missing on this book for that long. This story is so incredible and the message voiced through the pages touched me deeply. This novel is the perfect example of flawless writing mixed with powerful emotions.
“We’re all ugly, Ryen. The only difference is, some hide it and some wear it.”
Punk 57 is about two flawed protagonists. I enjoyed watching both characters grow and change during this book. Ryen, the heroine, knows what it’s like to be judged, to be alone and without friends. She lived it when she was younger and doesn’t want this loneliness. Now on the verge to graduate high school, she is the popular cheerleader surrounded by friends. But she’s still isolated, because she’s lying to herself being someone she’s not. I felt for her so much. By trying to fit in and be in the popular crowd, I felt she was even more alone. Inside she was just disgusted by herself for hurting people, but she was scared to stand up and be herself. Afraid other teenagers would judge the real her.
“He’s taught me that who I am when I’m with him feels too good to sacrifice for the approval of everyone else.”
The only person with whom she can be herself is Misha, her pen pal of seven years. Witnessing her thoughts and her feelings through her letters made me like her more and understand her need to fit in. Misha, oh how I loved him. He’s completely captivated by Ryen and discovering her deception hurt him deeply. While he stays true to himself, he’s also at fault in their relationship when he presents himself as a new student called Masen. He’s revolted by the girl he thought he knew and realized is a fraud. The evident connection they always shared in their letters through friendship is also extremely high in this new rivalry they share. In spite of their loathing for each other, the sexual chemistry and attraction between them is of the charts hot.
“She can be a nightmare, but this still feels better than a dream.”
I loved every single one of their interactions, from hateful to sinful to tender to friendly to sad! Everything! And Misha, I hurt so much for him! Everything he’s going through is so much and being deceived by Ryen is too much!
I listened to the audiobook and I must say the narrator did a tremendous job with the level of emotions they conveyed in every single line. I laughed, I raged, I cried with all this rollercoaster ride of feels. While I’m writing this review, my heart is still palpitating thinking about this story.
Penelope Douglas wrote here a true masterpiece! I’m in awe of this story and kind of obsessed with these characters. Punk 57 was truly addictive and it’s an absolute must read. I would even say it’s one of my top read EVER!
“No one does you better than you. You can’t be replaced. Not everyone will see that, but only you need to.”

Penelope Douglas is a full-time writer living in Las Vegas with her husband and their daughter. When she's not writing or reading, she loves road-tripping, touring retired, old ships, and pinning anything not nailed down. Her books include the Fall Away series (Bully, Until You, Rival, Falling Away, Aflame, and Next to Never) and the Devil's Night series (Corrupt and Hideaway (and Kill Switch and Nightfall--not yet released). Please look for her stand-alones Misconduct and Punk 57. Available now.