Blog Tour + Review | Scandalous (Sinners of Saint #3) by L.J. Shen --> 3 Stars

Scandalous, the highly anticipated next standalone in the
Sinners of Saint Series by LJ Shen is LIVE!

TITLE: Scandalous
SERIES: Sinners of Saint #3 AUTHORS: L.J. Shen GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: September 29th, 2017

They call him The Mute for a reason.
Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks.
When he does, it’s with disdain.
When he does, his words aren’t meant for me.
When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.
He is thirty-three.
I am eighteen.
He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner.
I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter.
He’s emotionally unavailable.
And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.
Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.
And yet, I can’t stay away.
A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.
And oh, what a beautiful chaos it will be.

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⭐️ 3 Stars ⭐️
This review will be brief, because it’s always difficult for me to write a review for a book that was just okay in my opinion.
I was so excited for Trent and Edie’s story and I felt like all read long I struggled to connect with them. When finally, I could relate to their story, it was already the last quarter of the book. In Scandalous I was expecting more passion and fire between the main couple and I sadly didn’t feel it. The storyline didn’t develop fast enough and I found myself bored at moments. It’s my humble opinion and I know that I’m in the minority here. One thing LJ Shen never disappoint me on though, is her writing style and beautiful words. There’s some quotes in this novel that I really treasured. I enjoyed reading about Edie’s family dynamic, that was quite interesting. I hated her father, Jordan!
In conclusion, I was left wanting more from this novel, but still enjoyed some parts of it. Seeing all the Hotholes together were definitely my highlights of this story. In general, it was a little too late for me, but I’m glad to have completed the Sinners of Saint Series.
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

Book #0.5
Book #1
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L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
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