Review: Finding Mr. Wrong by A.M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm --> 4 Stars!

TITLE: Finding Mr. Wrong AUTHOR: A.M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm GENRE: Contemporary Romance RELEASE DATE: February 20th, 2017

Here s a tip: never trust a jackass in preppy clothing. The phrase trust me should have been my first clue to hightail it out the door, but hindsight is always 20/20. So there I was, on a stage with two other men, being asked ridiculous questions by a woman I couldn t see, but whose voice made my pants tighten and not around my ankles. Before I knew what was happening, I'd signed up for six weeks in paradise, isolated on an island for forty-two days with a complete stranger. And when I finally laid eyes on the sexy brunette who belonged to that voice, a part of me thought this wouldn t be so bad. I ve always been a levelheaded guy. I am a successful, smart, and shrewd business man. But that was when I was listening to the head above my shoulders. Once the blood traveled south, I always ran into trouble. She called me Mr. Wrong, and that was fine with me. Lesson learned: lust always trumps logic.

This new collaboration between A.M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm had me laughing and swooning hard. This duo fashioned a unique and funny story about a hot Swedish hero left on a tropical island with a determined girl on the sole purpose of winning a contest his friends enrolled him in as a joke.
"We swallowed each other's grunts; consumed each other's ire. with our mouths cemented together, our bodies joined as one, her anger and my frustration took on a life of their own."
Two words that resumes my read: Jude Soren. O.M.G. That man was the real star of this book. At first he comes as a total jerk with his constantly dirty and sexual comments, but gradually I couldn’t help but swoon over his sweetness with his “Sparky”. Let’s not forget he’s so sexy and an alpha to the core! Brae was an acceptable heroine in my opinion, but by moments she was getting on my nerves with her reactions (mostly in the first part of the story). I appreciated the dynamic between Jude and Brae with the never-ending arguments, but also the attraction underneath it all just waiting to unleash.
"Stop calling me Kitten," she snarled. She was one pissed off little cat.
"I'm sorry, do you prefer pussy? Because I know I do."
The romance, the heat, the laughs were the essence of this story.
"It was a shame he was an ass sometimes,
because he was perfect in every other way possible."
On a downside note, I would have liked if the story had been a little shorter. At moments I kind of lost a little focus, because the unfolding of the story happened a little slowly. Overall I still had I good time watching this romance evolves between Brea and Jude!
After swooning over Jude Soren, I can’t help but be intrigued by Luca and Kyle his two best friends. And knowing these two will have their own books has me thrilled.
Finding Mr Wrong is a book you don’t want to miss!