Blog Tour + Review + Giveaway: This Isn't Over Baby (War & Peace #3) by K. Webster

TITLE: This Isn't Over, Baby
SERIES: War & Peace #3 AUTHOR:K. Webster GENRES: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance
RELEASE DATE: August 30, 2016

PLEASE READ THIS IS WAR, BABY AND THIS IS LOVE, BABY FIRST. They’d won the battle and I held up the white flag of defeat… But the war wasn’t OVER. I suffered the aching loss of what they had stolen from me. OVER and OVER again, my heart broke. The white Queen and the black King had taken OVER the game and ruled for what seemed like eternity. Until one day, eternity was finally OVER. I was the dark knight who would rise again and conquer. I was the man who would win OVER the most important piece on the board. A slayer. A protector. A father. A new king with the blackest of hearts. And head OVER heels in love with… The little princess who owned my twisted soul. Sometimes the villains don’t just want their happy ending… They demand it. This isn’t OVER, baby. This will never be OVER. Warning: This Isn’t Over, Baby is a dark romance. Strong sexual themes and violence, which could trigger emotional distress are found in this story. This story is NOT for everyone. This IS a love story. This IS a dark story. This IS a story about the villain. Villains need love too… ***No cucumbers were injured in the making of this book.***

This Is War, Baby #1
This Is Love, Baby #2

Once again K. Webster succeeded to take me on an absolutely insane ride with this third book of the War & Peace series! While the first two books were dark, there was still some part of light in them, but in this one darkness and evil are stronger than ever! Both lead characters were so wicked, but perfect for each other.
For years and years, Gabe has been obsessed with his little neighbor Hannah, thinking she was his daughter. Now she’s near eighteen years old and one night he rescues her from an awful fate. He soon realizes that he's been wrong all these years. Their twisted minds are soon entwined with each other and despite the years between them, they have an undeniable attraction.
I was prepared and impatient to read about Gabe and his crazy mind. What was really unexpected for me, was realizing that he wasn't the real the villain in this story. There’s someone even more psycho than him.
Do you believe me?
I'm not lying!
His sweet girl is jealous, manipulative, deranged, unstable… There’s not enough terms to describe her twisted mind. When even the bad guy can’t contain her, it means a lot! Hannah has an even darker personality than him. She’s obsessed by the object of her desire and will do ANYTHING to keep him. I couldn’t help but feel sad for Warren and Baylee. I loved their story in the first two books, and after everything they’d been through, seeing their daughter fall in love with the monster who nearly destroy their life must be a punch to the gut! I loved the book, but hated Hannah. She's so far gone in her mental illness that her actions are completely irrationals.
“His wickedness attracts me. Gabe truly is Hades. I want to be his Persephone. I want us to explore the depths of the darkness together.” I was traumatized by Gabe's memories of the past. I guess it explains a lot about his nature! Poor him! His past really did a number on him that forged the mad man he is now. Gabe still demonstrates a new caring side in this story. He knows Hannah is unstable, but he will go far to make her better. Their love is twisted and incomprehensible, but it’s still love!
"Gabe, my furious and raging storm, brings me calm. He pulls the real Hannah from the darkness to wrap his arms around her so she won’t be lonely. Together, we fulfill a need nobody else ever can."
I thought it was the end of the series, but again I've been wrong. We're still left with a suspenseful ending that make me rage! I want This Isn't You, Baby RIGHT NOW!
Be prepared to make a trip into darkness and enter two sinister minds. This book isn’t for everyone! You’ll LOVE IT! You’ll HATE IT! It will leave you with tangled feelings and. You’ve been warned!

K Webster is the author of dozens romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she's active on social media connecting with her readers. Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen. You can easily find K Webster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads!
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