Blog Tour + Review | Mixed Up Love by Natasha Madison --> 4 Stars

TITLE: Mixed Up Love AUTHOR: Natasha Madison GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: August 7th, 2018

When my business partner asked me to do him a favor, I had no idea he was sending me on a blind date his mother arranged for him. I walked in the bar, saw the woman drinking her third martini, and knew I was in for an eventful night.
After the unexpected second date, she didn't know my real name or who I really was. By that time, the lie was too far gone, and I wanted her too much to admit the truth.
It's not every day you find out your ex-boyfriend is engaged.
I shouldn't have agreed to the blind date. My mother insisted, and I wasn’t in any position to turn down a night out.
I will admit, I definitely shouldn't have ordered that fourth martini before said blind date even arrived.
The man turned out to be swoon worthy, handsome, condescending—a perfect distraction. Then I found out he was a liar.
I've never been in over my head to this degree.
Then again, I've never been in love.

⭐️ 4 "Martinis & Roses" Stars ⭐️
In Mixed Up Love, Natasha Madison charms her readers one again with an overprotective hero, an awkwardly cute heroine, amusing repartees and deep chemistry! I really had a great time with this read!
When Laney and Hunter meet on a blind date, let’s just say their first impression isn’t on the good side! Trying to calm her nerves, Laney is already tipsy and Hunter is only there as a favor to his best friend who’s the one set up for this rendezvous. While their date starts as a disaster, they find so much more than what they were expecting from that night out. Laney is quirky, yet have a funny personality. She made me laugh with her defiant attitude toward Hunter’s constant overprotectiveness. As the owner of a security firm, you can say he’s a little obsessed with keeping her safe. It provides some intense moments where you can only feel the charged atmosphere between them.
I spend my read laughing and smiling from all their antics! They also made me swoon with the romance and sexiness they exude. Hunter might be an alpha, but it doesn’t mean he can’t be sweet too. When he makes some mistakes, he tries to get Laney to forgive him with lovely gestures and a determination that show his deep feelings for her.
Another facet of this book I found particularly interesting was the conversations between Laney and her best friend Sandy. That girl is just hilarious with her uncensored mouth! I cracked up so much with those girl talks!
While Mixed Up Love is a light and funny read, you still get all the sweet and sensual too! Every aspect of this story is highly enjoyable!
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

When her nose isn't buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she's in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It's a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn't listen to her...
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