Release Blitz + Review: Love Me in the Dark by Mia Asher

TITLE: Love Me in the Dark AUTHOR: Mia Asher GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: May 10th, 2017

Two strangers in Paris ...
One passionate, earth-shattering kiss.
He was the artist upstairs
with the tantalizing smile and laughing eyes.
He was the devil inviting me to sin,
seducing me to dance in the bright moonlight.
He was desire and need.
When he touched me, my body sang--
my soul came alive.
But I belonged to another man,
and he didn't want to let me go.

FREE in Kindle Unlimited

Oh, the FEELS! Love Me in the Dark have them in spades. Seriously, it’s amazing the amalgam of feelings this book made me live! Mia Asher completely mesmerized me with her stunning words that created a powerful romance.
I was completely consumed by Valentina and Sébastien’s story, two people hurting in their own way, but healing together and learning to live again. Valentina is trying to rediscover her true self in Paris, after years of marriage made her lose her identity. Her wants and needs have revolved around her husband for years and now she’s struggling to find a purpose to her life. She’s lonely, but committed to her marriage even if it’s obvious she’s hurting in this relationship. Witnessing Valentina’s journey was absolutely exquisite. I think that meeting Sébastien, the tortured artist, is also a turning point into her changes.
What can I say about Sébastien? He’s this attractive man who’s been hurting in the dark for years and brought into the light again when he meets Valentina. Their chemistry is such perfection and their relationship heart-warming. It’s an impossible love story, but their hearts don’t seem to get the message and they just ignite together. They’re finally alive after years in tumult.
Every single scene between Valentina and Sébastien made me swoon so hard, like wow! I felt so much reading Love Me in the Dark. It’s marvellous the way this romance melted my heart and put butterflies in my stomach. Every single line tattooed itself in my soul. I hurt! I cried! I smiled! This novel was everything!
I’m so enthralled by this little gem that was my first Mia Asher’s read. It’s easily a new favorite read for me this year. I surrendered to the overflowing feelings this book brought me and was left drained, but really pleased. Love Me in the Dark isn’t a story you want to miss. It’s a MUST READ!
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

I'm a writer, a hopeless romantic, a wanderer, a dreamer, a cynic, and a believer. And, I might be a bit crazy - but who isn't?
I believe in happy endings however I know that not everyone is lucky enough to get one, but such is life. I think fine lines exist to be pushed and possibly crossed.
Love, M.