Review: A Love Letter to Whiskey by Kandi Steiner -> 5+ Stars!

TITLE: A Love Letter to Whiskey AUTHOR: Kandi Steiner GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: October 13th, 2016

It’s crazy how fast the buzz comes back after you’ve been sober for so long. Whiskey stood there, on my doorstep, just like he had one year before. Except this time, there was no rain, no anger, no wedding invitation — it was just us. It was just him — the old friend, the easy smile, the twisted solace wrapped in a glittering bottle. It was just me — the alcoholic, pretending like I didn’t want to taste him, realizing too quickly that months of being clean didn’t make me crave him any less. But we can’t start here. No, to tell this story right, we need to go back. Back to the beginning. Back to the very first drop. This is my love letter to Whiskey. I only hope he reads it.

Talk about a book hangover!! Wow! A Love Letter to Whiskey was a real masterpiece. The amalgam of emotions I faced reading this gut-wrenching love story was draining, but oh so worth it.
Kandi Steiner really achieved to make me feel the passionate, but untimely relationship of B and Jamie. Her stunning prose, and the poetic way she wrote this story had me drunk from the very first lines.

It was a painful process witnessing B and Jamie’s love that never got the best timing. I could see the hurt and struggle they felt that carried all read long. Sometimes I just wanted to shake them, mostly B, to make them realize the mistakes they were doing, because it wasn’t always about timing but willingness to act on these feelings. From the beginning, it was easy to see the connection they share, the understanding. I was a hundred percent invested in their story and the unique way the author wrote it was a pure bliss. This constant comparison of Jamie with Whiskey was really sensational and unique.
If you need to read a book that will break you, then fix you, make you drunk on the lyrical writing, you absolutely need to read the beauty that is A Love Letter to Whiskey.