Review: Womanizer (Manwhore #5) by Katy Evans

TITLE: Womanizer
SERIES: Manwhore #5 AUTHOR:Katy Evans GENRES: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE:December 5th, 2016

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katy Evans comes a brand new contemporary romance. WOMANIZER is a full length standalone, and no other books in the series need to be read.
You've seen the headlines: Womanizing billionaire player! Watch out! Stay away!
We were just two strangers. Facing a forbidden attraction, a chemical connection. Neither of us expected or wanted it to amount to more. But I had never been drawn to a guy the way I was drawn to this one: my brother's best friend, and CEO of the company where I interned.
Even knowing I should stay away, I proved to be too human, after all. The chemistry was amazing. The laughs were incredible. I opened up to him in more ways than I'd opened up to anyone before. But sex was as far as I'd go. Just sex because he was too irresistible. Just sex because I wouldn't be falling for him. Just sex because I'd leave in three months, and I'd like for my brother not to kill me, and for nobody to find out he was my wicked little secret. He wasn't the One. He was just a womanizer. But for a time, he would be mine.

From the very first lines of Womanizer, I was pulled into the story and my attention completely captured. The connection Livvy and Callan manage to forged from their first interaction is so powerful and beautiful.
From the preceding books, we learned so little about Callan aside from his womanizer ways and an aura of mystery always kept surrounding him. Womanizer is the book that finally strips him down to discover the real man behind the player we saw previously.
"No rules I won't break for you.
Something about you gets to me like nothing ever has.
I say the word woman, I think of you. Female, I think of you.
Sexy, I think of you. Sweet, I think of you."
Olivia got an internship in Callan’s company with the help of her big brother Tahoe, his best friend. On her very first day, she meets the enigmatic Hot Smoker Guy on the terrace, where they share and undeniable chemistry. Livvy is a really sweet and awkward heroine. She doesn’t have a filter when she speaks, but sometimes it’s unintentional making the situation endearing and authentic. Callan, the mysterious Hot Smoker Guy still indulges with her antics and seems to be quite taken by her genuineness. From there begins a sort of routine where they seek each other and share defining moments together. Both aren't aware of their link with Tahoe at first, but when it's unveiled they're too deep and can't keep apart. They need to learn what's more important for them.
I must say that the way the story is beautifully narrated by Katy Evans makes you feel all the butterflies of a new romance and warms your inside. Callan and Livvy's intimate life is just so scorching hot and the passion is tangible through the pages. The other heros and heroines we already know is greatly incorporated to the storyline.
"I feel crazed over you. Unhinged. I'm insane for you."
I adored this book so much!
Felt so much!
From sweet moments, to funny ones, to sexy ones, this story clutched me with its words and didn’t let me go until the very end. Next to Manwhore, Womanizer is my favorite book of the series. This novel is a prodigious work by Katy Evans and now I’m so excited for more of this series!

Katy Evans is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her debut REAL shot to the top of the bestselling lists in 2013 and since then 9 of her titles have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages across the world.